How to Detect Flexible Cables?


2024-08-21 14:23:01

Discover top-quality flexible cables, including flexible power cables, flexible cable wires, and high flexible cables. Designed for reliability and versatility, our cables ensure efficient and safe power transmission across various applications.

Any product cannot be put on the market directly after it is produced. Instead, it must pass quality testing to ensure that the product quality is qualified and reaches the national standards before it can be put on the market for enterprises or individuals to purchase and make due contributions to social construction. The same is true for various special cables such as drag chain cables and flexible cables. So what is the testing technology of wires and cables? Next, TL-LINK flexible cable manufacturer will introduce it to you in detail:

1. Inspection method
Acceptance test: It is an acceptance test of the flexible power cable after the installation and laying of the flexible cable, so as to check the installation quality and find possible damage during construction. Such as withstand voltage test after installation.
Routine test: It is an experiment conducted by the manufacturer on all finished flexible power cables. Its purpose is to check whether the product quality meets the requirements of technical conditions, so as to find accidental defects in the manufacturing process. It is a non-destructive experiment, such as the DC resistance of the wire, the insulation resistance time. And withstand voltage test partial discharge detection, etc.
Type test: It is a test conducted by the high flexible cable manufacturer on the product regularly for comprehensive performance inspection, especially for a new product before it is finalized and mass-produced, or when the structure, materials and main processes of a product have been changed and may affect the performance of the flexible cable. Through type test: it can be checked whether the product can meet the requirements of operation and can be compared with the old products. Such as thermal aging performance of insulation and sheath, long-term stability test of drag chain cable, etc.

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2. Test items
① Measurement of DC resistance of conductor
The conductive core of flexible cable mainly transmits electrical energy or electrical signals. The resistance of the conductor is the main indicator of its electrical performance. When AC voltage is applied, the core resistance is larger than that of DC voltage due to skin effect and proximity effect surface, but the difference between the two is very small when the electric eye frequency is 50Hz. Now the standard stipulates that it can only require the detection of whether the DC resistance or resistivity of the core exceeds the value specified in the standard. Through this inspection, some defects in the production process can be found: such as wire breakage or partial single wire breakage; wire cross section does not meet the standard; product length is incorrect, etc. For flexible cables wire, it can also be checked whether it will affect the allowable current carrying capacity of flexible cable products during operation.
② Test of insulation resistance
Insulation resistance is an important indicator reflecting the insulation characteristics of flexible wire and cable products. It is closely related to the product's electrical strength, dielectric loss, and the gradual deterioration of insulating materials under working conditions. For communication cables, too low insulation resistance between lines will also increase loop attenuation, crosstalk between loops, and long-distance power supply leakage on the conductive core, so the insulation resistance is required to be higher than the specified value.

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Determination of insulation resistance can reveal defects in the process, such as dry insulation or sheath damage and moisture; insulation contamination and conductive impurities mixed in; insulation layer cracking caused by various reasons. In the operation of flexible cables, insulation resistance and leakage current are often tested to determine whether they can continue to be used safely.

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